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IT전문 번역, 해외사업 번역지원ㅣ티엔지 번역
[티엔지번역] 무료영작 사례 19 본문
밑에 있는 영작은 너무 단순하고 문법도 맞지 않은 것 같아..ㅠㅠ 살을 더 붙이고 싶은데 잘 안되네요..
밑에 있는 글이라도 제가 올린 글과 조금 내용이 다르지만..제대로 조정을 해 주시면 너무 감사하겠습니다..
1>I did not go to church when I was a child. And the University of Vocal Music, and I go to the church choir and from that unit, become I was made to do.
At that time, praised and worship God, I had the God know and while giving a worship from 1996 church to make become the Lord and i was made to believe.
A after that did many activity from the church. As the worship leader to do a choir command is active now. "Gospel contest conference of Korea" and the gospel singer from the prize was also active.
2>I have a vision of the music as a pastor.
God gave me the gift of music, I love God, too.
What I have to become a true leader to worship, I want to learn.
And I praise and worship and pray every day will be.
I have a lot of church leaders who will need to practice instruments.
The love of God, and always will be a day to live.
2>번 내용을 밑의 글로 조금 보충하고 싶은데 가능하신 부분만이라도 좀 부탁 드려도 될까요?^^
[2>제가 학교에 입학하면 예배인도자(worship leader)로서의 갖추어야 할 자질과 기본을 제대로 세우고 싶습니다.
진정한 예배(worship)가 무엇인지,어떤 예배가 하나님을 기쁘시게 할 수 있는지를 공부하고 싶습니다. 날마다 기도와 말씀으로 믿음을 세워나가고,찬양과 악기연습도 열심히 할 것입니다. 그리고 음악적인 수준도 예배인도자(worship leader)로서 가져야할 중요한 부분이기에 예배에 필요한 음악의 질을 어떻게 높일지 연구하고 싶습니다.
어학을 열심히 공부해서 하나님의 사역을 하는데 부족함이 없도록 노력할 것입니다.] [비밀댓글]
티엔지번역 2008/11/02 16:26 댓글주소 수정/삭제
죄송하지만 써주신 부분을 고치는것보다 제가 다시 쓰는게 빠를것 같아서 다시 써보았습니다. 누구일이든간에 하나님 관련된 부분을 도와드릴 수 있어서 마음이 뿌듯합니다. 좋은 결과 있으시길 기원합니다.
I entered the School of Music at 20 years of age. As I was at the School, I started walking by faith through church. In the beginning, I went to church just because I liked the praise but I have come to know God through prayers and the gospels. In 2000 I was greeted by God and my family joined me to believe in God.
From then I have experienced religion by conducting singers and leading worship at the church. After finishing the third year at the Graduate School of Theology I am preparing as a worship leader with visions.
If I enter the school, I would like to learn what it takes to be a worship leader.
I would like to study what is genuine worship and what makes God proud of me. I am more than willing to build my faith through daily prayers and gospels, to further my praise, and to train my musical skills. Since the level of my music is one of the most important aspects of a worship leader, I would like to study how to enhance the quality of music for worship.
I will study languages hard to do God's work.
'티엔지번역 > 무료영작번역_신청' 카테고리의 다른 글
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