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IT전문 번역, 해외사업 번역지원ㅣ티엔지 번역

정확한 견적 및 진행상황을 알고 싶습니다. 3월13일 과연 물건을 받을수 있을지 걱정입니다. 너무 제촉하는건 알지만 절박하오니 부탁드리겠습니다. 티엔지번역 2009/03/09 18:56 수정/삭제 We would like to request the detailed invoice and the information regarding the current status in progress. We are concerned that the delivery date of March 13 can be kept as promised. Please be advised that it is an urgent and desperate matter to keep the delivery date.

안녕하세요.jk입니다. 밑에 표기한 하기건에 대한 진행상황을 알고 싶습니다. TH의 말대로 3월 15일 물건을 받을수 있을지요? Customer의 재촉으로 인해 입장이 많이 난처합니다.도움 부탁드리겠습니다. 티엔지번역 2009/02/26 20:53 수정/삭제 Hello, it's JK. I would like to know the current status in progress of the following case. Can we expect the delivery to be made on March 15 as TH says? We are in a very embarrassing situation because the customer demands us to keep the due delivery date.

당신이 ******.com 도메인을 구매하겠다고 10차례이상 오퍼 보낸사람 맞나요? 만약 그 사람이라면 더이상 오퍼보내지 마라 당신하고는 더이상 협상할 생각도 없고 당신에게는 이 도메인 절대 팔지 않겠다. 제발 귀찮게 하지말고.. 당신의 지불능력에 맞는 싼 다른 도메인 구입해서 사용해라 인터넷내꺼 2009/03/11 18:44 댓글주소 수정/삭제 Are you the one who sent more than 10 offer emails to purchase xxx.com? If you are, please stop contacting me. I will not deal with you nor sell the domain name to you. Please leave me alone and get an a..

I have spoken with Mr. Eri** ***** at SEDO this afternoon to advise that my payment will arrive on Monday via wire transfer, and to request that it be posted to our transaction immediately. Please let me know if there is anything more that is required at this point. -------------------------- Please be advised that payment for *********.com should arrive and be posted to our deal on Monday, per ..
Samsung TouchWiz F480’s is a 3.5G supported phone with a 2.8″ 320 x 240 pixel touchscreen, 5-megapixel camera with autofocus and flash plus a secondary video calling camera. The F480 has an FM radio, a comprehensive multimedia player and USB 2.0 and Bluetooth 2.0. Samsung F480 can play the role of the media player and is equipped with FM receiver. Samsung TouchWiz also comes equipped with face d..