흥미로운 멀티미디어 관련 영문기사를 검색하여 간단히 메모를 곁들여 게시합니다.
NBC says the Beijing Olympics are on track to become the most-watched ever in this country -- and probably in the world, too, thanks to the gigantic TV audience in China.
☞ 미국 3대 공중파 방송사중 하나인 NBC의 자료에 따르면, 자사 올림픽 중계사상 지난 8일 중계된 개막식 순간 시청자 규모가 최대 1억1,400만명에 달함으로써 최고기록을 갱신했다고 합니다.
The high point may have been reached already with Friday night's opening ceremonies, which averaged more than 34 million viewers in America between 7:30 p.m. and midnight. That number was undoubtedly higher for just the show part minus the parade of athletes. That would put it ahead of the "American Idol" finale (31 million) but way behind the Super Bowl at 97.5 million.
☞ 이기록은 미국 최고인기 프로그램인 "American Idol"의 3,100만명과 슈퍼볼의 9,750만명을 앞서는 기록이다.
About 133,000 homes, or more than 266,000 people, watched in Louisville and surrounding areas Friday night, with the broadcast peaking at 162,000 households, or more than 325,000 people, at 10 p.m.
In China, an estimated 843 million out of a population of 1.3 billion tuned in Friday night. That's close to 70 percent of its citizens. Those kinds of numbers seem certain to boost the games to an all-time global high.
☞ 더욱 놀라운 것은 중국에서는 개막식을 전체 인구규모인 13억명중 50%가 넘는 8억4,300만명이 시청했다고 한다.
The games also reveal the growing Internet influence, with the NBC Olympics Web site drawing 132 million page hits in just two days, or more than seven times the number of hits for the Athens Games in 2004. More than 3 million people watched video streams Sunday.
☞ 이번 올림픽에서는 인터넷의 영향력이 확인되었다. NBC 올림픽 웹사이트의 페이지뷰가 1억3,200만에 달함으로써 2004년 아테네 올림픽때 수치의 7배를 넘어섰다.
That number is far lower than the number of hits, probably because many cable systems, including Insight in this region, declined to pay the network streaming fee. Local viewers have to check the box that they are satellite subscribers to access it.
NBC is counting heavily on swimmer Michael Phelps to bring home the Nielsen gold by bringing home the gold medals. More than 28 million were watching when he won his first gold medal Sunday morning (Saturday night EDT).
The platforms you may hear NBC reporters talking about during the Olympics are not diving platforms; they're different electronic ways of keeping in touch with viewers.
In the old days of Olympic coverage, you just tuned in one of the big three networks, which showed you what was going on via a single channel.
A network in the past just concerned itself with selling commercials on that single outlet and guaranteeing that a certain number of people would be watching. If that number of viewers didn't tune in, the network had to make it up to the sponsors.
Today NBC is transmitting the games not only over the NBC mother ship and six other channels at times but also through two channels set up in some areas for basketball and soccer. NBC is also offering on-demand coverage and coverage via mobile units such as cell phones and other devices.
☞ 예전에는 미국에서는 올림픽 시청은 3대 공중파 방송의 단일 채널을 통해서만 중계되었다. 하지만 NBC의 경우 1개 메인채널 + 6개 채널 + 2개의 농구 및 축구 채널 등 최대 9개의 채널을 통해 중계되고 있다. 또한 이동통신 단말기를 통한 중계도 진행중이다.
According to a National Public Radio story in the "On the Media" series, NBC is telling advertisers that so many people are watching online, plus this many on NBC, and so on across all those platforms.
Not only that, but for the first time the network will amass data that will allow it to adjust the coverage by what people are tuning in to see and what they would like to watch that they aren't seeing.
NBC will track 500 consumers every day of the games through online surveys for a total of 8,500 people over the duration of the contests. It will ask them how they are using the various media platforms and whether they like what they see, according to The Associated Press.
☞ NBC는 올림픽 기간동안 매일 500명 등 총 8,500명의 시청자들을 대상으로 인터넷을 통해 시청 관련 자료를 수집하고 있다. 예를 들어, 어떤 사람들이 어떤 미디어를 통해 시청중이며, 어떤 프로그램을 시청하길 원하는지 등을 파악하게 된다.
The measurements, polling, plus checking in with focus groups assembled to assess the coverage will help NBC show more or less of something and allow the network to adjust the coverage while it's happening.
It's an eon away from the day when a single fixed camera caught an Olympic event nearly 50 years ago.
NBC describes events while moving alongside swimmers and watches as a diver lifts off a diving board and plunges toward the water with a Dive-Cam. There's a Moby-Cam underwater watching swimmers go stroke by stroke. A Fly-Cam travels along with rowers and kayakers on a cable.
There are tiny lipstick cameras attached to all kinds of things for up-close coverage. We'll see weightlifters from beneath the floor through glass and race with the track and field athletes.
There will be cameras to show how close a pole vaulter came to clearing the bar. NBC calls it the wow factor, according to the wire service. You can also see what it looks like as an arrow wings its way toward the target. The network is doing everything it can think of to hit the ratings bull's-eye for these games.
Tom Dorsey's column runs Monday through Saturday. Call him at (502) 582-4474 or e-mail him at tdorsey@courier-journal.com.
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